Thursday, September 17, 2009

Friendships and connections

People might say they are friends but they aren’t. The so called friend who told there kids I was going to a costume party, then ironically after starting the hormone therapy. Every time I see her there is a sarcastic and inconsiderate comment about me. What I don’t understand, this very person, encouraged me to be myself and now as I am starting to do it. I feel I am getting slapped in the face repeatedly verbally.

My therapist left which ended very abruptly and I’m getting a new one. She has a new job which is good hopefully they are paying more Thinking about it, it ended like most of my relationships in the past one minute it’s there and then it’s not. So, I am not hurt by it, but now amazed how it worked out. It’s not even that I seen the therapist much which I do not care about. I more troubled of how it ended without any real notice or closure.

I hanged out with a friend of mine, and I am very happy with the support she gave me. She always conversated as if I already been transitioned, so she knew me first as Vivianne; It was pleasing to know she will treat me that always. So, it was welcoming to be at her open house, and she paid a lot of attention to what people were calling me and how I was treated.


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